Tag Archives: weight loss

The best fatloss advice, some you’ve most likely never heard before, some contradictory


(DON’T ignore #9)


For fat loss to be EFFECTIVE AF, you need to have a set timeframe and plan. It. Is. A. phase.

Check for social events, travel, work load etc… this matters!

“This helps you understand when it will get more challenging, when the friction can be expected and allows you to PLAN. Once the timeline is set, Don’t fuck with it. Get in, stay dialed in and get out…that will be hard AF. My experience with this is that you will slip up. You will derail even with the best plans but if you allow yourself to think: “Oh well, I will just keep this deficit going longer” every time you overeat, indulge, can’t track well, etc. then you will end up in a trap. What’s helped me on the days I lose it is to think “just stick to the plan”, this is temporary so do better with the next choice, but also allow for the grace and care for yourself to look at WHY”


The “you shouldn’t have diet food” or “eat the same as usual but less” is what will hold you back

Eat MORE at home, eat LESS processed food. Don’t just fit whatever into your macros. It’s easy to do that when you’re dragging….

  • PLAN YOUR FOOD AHEAD & keep it as routine as possible. Limit the variety!! The more variety, the more youll eat. The more flavour palettes, the harder your brain works for satiety.

Make sure you NAIL your protein & fruit + veg targets. Less meals usually works better than tiny meals for satiety. PRE PLAN your small dessert & have it with wholesome foods to help satiety – brush your teeth after. Its OKAY to swap them for more macro friendly options. NOT EVERYTHING IS DIET CULTURE. (ohno, blasphemy!)

  • Energy does fall, some hunger will be there. PRIORITIZE AND PROTECT YOUR PERFORMANCE if you care about a badass physique. THAT matters most.

Gym sessions WILL be harder – your pre & post workout meals matter a lot. PRE for energy & feeling fueled mentally and physically, POST so that you don’t then dig too deep a hole that youre raiding the pantry at night. PLAN it so you can REST & EAT to PERFORM.

  • Schedule down time. Figure out how to spend a bit of extra time doing shit you love that doesn’t involve food.
  • Switch from fullfat to low fat options. Higher calorie to lower calorie options ie with lean meats & dairy)
  • Get GOOD SLEEP. It’s essential to prioritize FAT LOSS vs muscle loss plus help you stay consistent with your nutrition, training and movement goals.
  • If you use a scale, stop caring about your daily weighins let along the weekly weighins… track the trend over the whole month. As a female, you may need to use both months data as some are highly susceptible to water fluctuations over your cycle (that’s okay)
  • Stop aiming for X loss a week. You wont see linear loss on the scale, it can fluctuate up and down, especially as a female
  • I DO highly suggest tracking your food more closely in a fatloss phase, the hardest thing to do is to be putting in all the effort but not seeing the results you want. Don’t make it longer than it needs to be. (I do guide a few clients through fatloss without tracking food, but we have steps to it)
  • Drink plenty of water – hydration helps.
  • CHEWING helps. The more you need to chew your food & the slower you eat, it helps satiety! (im not a fan of protein shakes, juices & liquid soups for this reason – opt for thickshake smoothies with non blended fruit also added. Make her thiccc)
  • Be mindful not to ‘waste’ calories on things like alcohol, sugary/caloric drinks & coffees, and elaborate dressings, butter or oils.
  • Keep stress in check. Journal, breathe, walk more outside. Sometimes therapy is needed
  • HIGHER protein than usual can benefit you so much more here. 2.2-2.5kg even. Satiety 😉
  • Aim for 90%+ minimally processed foods and 30g+ fibre.
  • Stop focusing on macros only. Focus on food quality. They both matter even more here.
  • Do NOT aim to be in a calorie deficit indefinitely. You need a cut off as per #1. If you ended up lacking the consistency you wanted or not getting the results you wanted, pushing it further WILL NOT serve you. You still were mentally dieting & fatiguing yourself. Take a REAL break, then attempt again later
  • Pay attention to your body’s biofeedback. Don’t force fatloss harder when you are hangry, tired & feeling super restricted. (this is where setting up your fatloss phase the right way matters so much. How you approach your journey will determine your success & trajectory)
  • GIVE YOURSELF RANGES vs absolutes.
  • TBH most of it is all so simple; really simple. Everyone online overcomplicates it and confuses you. The thing is that its HARD – a coach is the greatest asset you can have through your health & fitness journey to your strongest and best body composition
  • Hunger is one of the greatest set backs (& lack of energy). A well fuelled breakfast can make a huge difference BUT for some a condensed BUT PLANNED eating window helps. DON’T skip meals or try to undershoot your calories. It will work against you
  • STOP trying to flex that you can eat this or that and lose weight. Don’t make a hard process, harder than it needs to be
  • Fatloss is 90% managing your environment & planning ahead
  • Consistency isn’t 100% or perfect, its not every day smashing it. Its about showing up to whatever your best looks like for that day, 80% all the time is better than 95-100% sometimes & building resentment (that’s more like prison)
  • Having a good relationship with food, yourself & body, and the process will make it much easier to SUCCEED & get PERMANENT progress. Building and maintaining this is important. The magic happens in maintenance +

Which ones did you relate to the most? SHARE them with a friend & save this ultimate fat loss bible to refer to. Any thoughts? Let me know below!

Comment RESULTS if you want some 1:1 help so you can STOP spinning your wheels feeling stuck. BUILD muscle, LOSE fat, build a #strongandsculpted rig at any age!

FOR THOSE WHO HAVE GAINED A BUNCH OF WEIGHT as they’ve aged or struggle to lean down

ill start off by saying its not your metabolism, it didn’t slow down`
it wouldn’t be CAUSED by your hormones either ((** caveat at end))

  1. 3-4x a week PROPER strength training
  2. track your steps (i have a whole blueprint on this on my IG somewhere free of access)
  3. eat more protein and veg
  4. sleep & hydration
  5. increase your steps (most people avg 3-5k a day
    and track your calories

social media makes it seem more complicated than it is, like its our metabolism or hormones that are broken
its so so simple, but not easy to do consistently when we are bombarded by flashy things

  • lifestyle & behaviours influence hormones
  • hormones then influence behaviours, energy, mood, performance… which CAN make things harder… which CAN put you into a surplus
  • you lose collagen incrementally from about 30yo… which is what makes skin TIGHT/TAUT
  • lack of estrogen SHIFTS body fat to the midsection but it doesn’t add it without a surplus…

Have you ever met anyone, upset they had strength and vitality?
Muscle changes everything.
STOP chasing small and skinny.
Start chasing strong.

This is when I notice my clients & my own body and LIFE change!!

  • if you qualify, i recommend HRT/MHT

Myth: As you get older, your metabolism inevitably slows down.
Reality: Age does not affect our metabolism up to about 65-70yo.
The decrease in energy expenditure people often experience is due to reduced activity and loss of fat-free mass, notably muscle mass.

If you set yourself up right & have a SMART approach with the MINDSET & LIFESTYLE support…
You can change the trajectory of your life and FINALLY free yourself of the yoyo and struggles!

If you need help with this, comment RESULTS below and ill see how I can help

(recovery is most important here as is how you approach your LIFESTYLE & nutrition)… you dont have anything to worry about until your 60s

WHY isn’t my body responding? Why cant I see results?

Well it could do with the fact:
• You don’t take rest & recovery seriously
• You think adding in more things will speed it up
• You do excessive cardio
• You chase more and more calories burned
• You freak out everytime you see the scale go up/’feel fluffy’
• You undereat your calories to speed it up
• You’ve been eating <1500 calories for months on end
• You don’t have any consistency in your intake
• You don’t remember the last time you weren’t been TRYING to diet or lose weight
• You treat yourself like 💩
• You drink often – especially at night
• Youre an 🍆 to yourself (self-berating)
• You don’t plan for protein or eat enough veggies
• Youre running on empty all the time
• You drink coffee into the afternoon
• Your only goal is scale loss not muscle gain
• You neglect your health
• You don’t remember the last time you weren’t eating rabbit food
• You eat like a bird during the day
• You think your exercise & cardio make you active
• You care more about macro checks VS your body response
• You continue to try harder vs get a coach\
• You subscribe to generic plans but hope for specific results that last

5 steps
1️⃣ assess where you are currently at. (If you’re not assessing, you’re guessing
2️⃣ build foundation, set habits, set actions.
3️⃣ apply stress – specific to the adaptation (result) you want
4️⃣ RECOVER from said stress
5️⃣ keep applying progressively MORE intense stress in the direction of your goals.
6️⃣ RECOVER JUST AS HARD from said stress.

Simple, not easy
Your blueprint is waiting in the caption; save this one for later & share it to help a friend out!

✅Recovery: Great sleep & 2-3 rest days!
✅Patience, consistency & realistic expectations
✅Accountability & support

✅Hydration! Limit alcohol
✅600g+ veggies/day

✅MOVE YOUR FEET. 8-12k steps/day
✅Cardio is for health

✅Focus on habits & the process over the outcome, fuel your activity.
✅Focus on getting stronger vs the calories you burn in the gym.
✅Enjoy life, enjoy the process, realise it expands & enhances your life and SHOULD NOT CONSUME YOUR EVERY BEING!
✅FVCK THE SCALE OFF; for at least 6 months

Again. Simple. Not easy
The hard part is questioning your beliefs & self talk.

Learn what it feels like to:
-Have a proven plan in place
-Have the process broken down into action steps
-Healthy habits, sleep & MOVEMENT are the glue
-Do the things, repeat the things… have less x’s than ticks, keep improving the ratio
-Get better at the things
-Focus on BODY COMPOSITION & METABOLISM > scales & PMS feels
-Your clothes from your 20s & 30s may not serve you right now either – but we want to look s3xy nak3d here

-Training is the only thing, THE ONLY THING that will enhance your body composition

-If you cared as much about the important factors that you SHOULD around your training…
Your body will change in ways you wouldn’t imagine

-If you aren’t seeing the changes you think you should
Maybe its time you shifted gears
Want to learn how to empower yourself to YOUR BEST & MOST CONFIDENT?
Comment TRANSFORM below and lets have a chat

not getting results?

Has your metabolism
slowed down?

OR are you forgetting
this important piece…..

1/ The MAIN determinant of your metabolism
Is. Your. Overall. Movement.

Training “For fat loss/burning calories”
Doing “more work” impacts your metabolism here through NEAT

It’s easy to think youre busy or active if youre running around all day
But steps?
Do you use a watch?

Your energy is impacted by everything you do in a day AS WELL as what you eat
Your sleep, hormones (espesh perimeno) impact energy too
Change your training? Not resting enough & doing circuits?
Doing metabolic bootcamps? More HIIT classes? Changes to pilates to look “long and lean”
Not training hard (& smart) enough?

Lose muscle, lose metabolism
Drop performance, lose metabolism
So fuelling fatloss is ESSENTIAL

2/ Constantly dieting… living in a deficit….constantly underfuelling yourself is detrimental
You are suppressing your metabolism & your ability to re-compose your body

Too often I see women thinking that the thing they need to achieve their goals…. is to just
“lose a couple more kilos”

You find yourself in a situation of attempting low-calorie diets for so long….
— now your adherence & consistency become sh*t — motivation tanks

..kinda dieting,
but having days of kinda not dieting,
getting back on track,
never really intentionally eating enough to optimise
training performance & actually change
your physique & body comp

3/UNDEREATING in general

Even if they all equate by the end of day or week
Its not the same, youre suppressing your metabolism and impacting body composition goals

Cool if all you care about is a number tracking down…not caring about the end physique, your energy etc…

CUTTING CALORIES TOO LOW/trying to rush the process

makes it harder to stay consistent
you’re more likely to mindlessly nibble
weekends count
so does anything you eat after 7pm even though the sun cant see you
you move less, underperform in sessions & put your body in survival mode where it just wants to be lazy
you resent the process
you create an ELASTIC effect that will make you rebound or stay stuck in a lose & gain the same weight cycle
take it too long & now youll start to lose muscle & be more predisposed to fat gain


  • you don’t accidently hit your protein each day
  • protein burns more calories to digest
  • its most satiating
  • if you don’t hit minimal requirements for YOU, youll have more hunger and cravings and overeat until you meet it
  • if you don’t plan for protein, youll end up over on calories, carbs and fats and under on protein

The average range I prefer for body comp is 2.2-2.4g/kg

  • in a deficit I would aim for the higher range of that
  • studies show high protein diets to be beneficial for body comp!

MUSCLE is metabolism, health and so much more
adding muscle lowers your bf%, it helps you keep fat off.
Without focusing on building & keeping muscle, you wont get the shape/body you want

your metabolism hasn’t slowed down, you just aren’t as active as you think, you eat calorie dense food even if it doesn’t feel like you eat much
and/or you drink alcohol weekly


So many women are in this place where they have been eating 1500 calories – low calories for years and they’re wondering why nothing changes and why they probably feel like like crap all the time
you got to give your body some fuel to make those changes it doesn’t just happen from nothing

we really need to separate these goals
don’t expect much foryour muscle if you are in calorie deficit
stop living in the endless cycle of “I should be losing fat but also like looking tone” MUSCLE is tone, BUILDING is for muscle
trying to chase and be the smallest level of you isn’t it

they’re expecting to look like a bikini competitor after one dieting session and it’s like sorry it it doesn’t really work like that like nothing’s wrong with you it just takes this long

You can build muscle at any age. You can lose fat at any age. The research shows your metabolism doesn’t slow until around age 70 (yes this includes every phase of menopause) & that’s likely just because most people become less spontaneously active (PMID: 34385400 if you care)

Hack your metabolism for fat loss
Sorry, that’s not really a thing BUT I will tell you how to optimize it!
1 – prioritize strength training over cardio
2 – get as much quality sleep as you can (7-9 hours)
4 – have extended periods of time eating in maintenance
5 – increase your NEAT aka MOVING MORE during the day
6 – HYDRATE! So many people do not drink enough water!
7 – EAT MORE DAMN PROTEIN (and veggies)
8 – Stress. This will be one of the BIGGEST things to hold you back, make fat loss AND building some muscle, an even BIGGER struggle

Consistently hitting the gym but don’t look like you lift weights?unhappy with your results?

Is it your training program?
Or HOW you are training?
Is it your nutrition?
does it match your training & what you say you want?
If you’re training 5-7 days a week
It isn’t just about the program here….
there’s alot to unpack starting with HOW are you training?

are you pushing to failure (of form)?
Are you recovering enough?
Are you doing too much?
Are you cutting you doing FULL reps?
Are you RUSHING your reps?

Feel like youre doing everything right?

Walking to a gym & lifting weights =/= training hard
Nor does it guarantee results.

Muscle is built as a response to your body being challenged beyond its current norm
FIGHTING for reps, pushing as hard as you can to get stronger…
It’s a skill you learn over time

THIS is KEY for looking lean!
Its how you BUILD muscle
Its how you KEEP muscle
Its how you also train for fat loss

Want to know how to lose body fat & live leaner with more ease
Without living on peasant calories?

Your last rep SHOULD look questionable!!!
If you get bored, don’t know what to do with your rest times or feel you don’t need them
You aren’t training hard enough.

Training with intensity is something you LEARN
The discomfort you push through is a SKILL


The greatest 2 hacks?
2/ use your training log for MORE than #s, WRITE how things feel & notes to self

are you giving your best HONEST effort?
It’s about giving your best you have for THAT day.

Which. Always. Fluctuates

NUTRITION to match!

Hate to break it
But if you are SO FOCUSED on downsizing and the # on the scale
You are focusing on the wrong puzzle pieces

Tell me about how your training logs look over the last 4, 6, 8 weeks…
or do you change workouts every week or 3?

Many of you are always training & dieting for fatloss
then wonder why you aren’t seeing the results that you want…

I “wasted” years chasing muscle gains
But refused to give up my desire for melting my stubborn belly fat and trying to be as lean as possible
I see this constantly with so many others
You say you want muscles about your actions during align with that?
do you keep using “dieting” or “restricting” as a safety net? a comfort zone?

You can be holding yourself back
sabotaging your true progress
Even if you aren’t actively dieting
Simply because your mindset hasn’t shifted

You’re still so focused on the muffin top
The fact the scale isn’t going down….
It’s keeping you in a dieters mentality!!

It doesn’t mean get fat!!! I’m trying to walk the talk…
“You’re lean enough already…easy for you to say”
But I didn’t wake up lean by chance
I built this
I did the work
I ditched the diet after trying to get lean on 1600 calories, minimal real carbs, all the cardio and over exercising…

So that when I DID do a 6 week fatloss phase…
It was damn fkn effective

REAL change isn’t happening as quick as you think
Stop changing things up because you don’t see a change after 6 or 12 wks! Not to say nothing is happening in that amount of time,
but your expectations for it are unrealistic
So tell me…
Are you really fat loss resistant
Or have you just not shifted your approach and mindset yet?
There are multiple paths from A to B but if you want to make it to C and D, you better choose wisely.
If you try to build something without a solid foundation, it will likely collapse.

You say you want more muscle but you panic when the scale goes up
Or when your pants fit tight

  • muscle EXPANDS with blood, glycogen & water. Especially 1-2 days after leg day. Many of you do 2-3 of those a week… expect it * muscle has the RIGHT curves, the RIGHT shape & it looks $EXY NAK3D
    You’re frustrated with how slow your progress is so you add in more training, more sets, more work…
    And end up moving in the opposite direction

You hyperfocus on calories, but miss out on actual NUTRITION, lifestyle & what YOUR body needs
Which is different from joe, sally & sue

STOP feeding your own confusing & self doubt pushing a faulty system harder
Spinning around in circles…
And start making KICKA$$ progress with an approach that fits YOU
So you KEEP the results that you get, feel confident & empowered in the process
And start to see your body take the shape that you want it to

13 Things many “trainers” dont want to tell you

** There are no fatloss workouts
there’s no fat-blasting or metabolic-boosting method with training

** How you train to build muscle is how you train to lose fat
to get the best results in a diet, you need to train to build muscle
don’t train to burn more, sweat more or keep your HR up
fat loss training is a myth & can have you LOSE muscle

** Train to get strong and build muscle; use around the same volume, account for recovery (which is lower in a deficit) to have higher chances of keeping muscle

** Rest periods are important!
Stop the circuit-style weights or doing things in between your strength sets!
You will struggle to get the stimulus needed to build a “defined” body

you shouldn’t have 6+ exercises for the same muscles!

If you want to be economical then use a smart program with hypertrophy because you can be in and out in 60 mins tops

Ways to cut workout time – superset opposing muscle groups – quads/hams, back/chest

Don’t have 60 mins?
use movements that don’t require much skill
go for compounds
and minimize single-limb work.

** Meal frequency matters but not the way you think
similar meal times each day help with consistency

  • training your appetite

snacking often or eating lots off small meals is a great way to overeat without ever really feeling full (+ adding MORE meals to think about)

eat bigger balanced meals

regardless of what you do

  • menstrual cycle, food in your belly, drinking water…


** you NEED a system to manage calories if you want to keep any results you get…
TRACKING YOUR FOOD for even a short period of time helps you step away from the app & use other flexy methods…
like balanced plates, hand portions, eating similar meals each day
because you KNOW whats in your food

food quality is essential
we dont eat calories, we eat food
everything comes with tradeoffs
calorie tradeoffs, fullness, hunger, cravings, performance, health, digestion, performance, energy… etc

focus on adding more protein, fibre & veg but you gotta be smart with the rest…

** metabolism boosters….
MUSCLE & WALKING are the best metabolism boosters

** nailing protein carb fats every day…
allow a RANGE for your calories between ~100

  • aim for your MINIMUM protein
  • then aim for fruit, veg, fibre
  • target your carbs to FUEL your training & day
  • allow the numbers to fall around your “ideal” but stop aiming to be 100%
    Protein, calories, produce & fuelling enough matter more.

SOMETIMES YOU MAY need to get more meticulous with your tracking
its not obsessive
what IS obsessive is you hopping to more restrictive plans
pinching your belly every night and just staring at the parts you ‘want to change’
bc because you either ‘cant get your sh*t together
OR you’re working hard/trying everything and nothings working

2 bonus pointers

YES; It’s easier for some people…
how can you make it easier on yourself?

Many people have health and fitness as part of their background
which can make it easier to gain back

Many may not deal with the same PMS symptoms as you or have the same stressors/life demands

You may just have to be more mindful
to stop comparing your now to their current
the start is hard
new habits arent easy to form

and sometimes you need to create structure before you allow more flexibility

make AUTOPILOT work for you
force the chain until it gets easier yes, but set up your environment for more success


2/ photos & measurements weekly
IS NOT NEEDED for you to get your best results…

photos & measurements hardly change within weeks let alone months on a path to sustainable change (maybe in a harder fatloss phase if you have alot to lose; monthly is more feasible…. but then what???

Building ain’t so. especially if you are trying to lose fat and build muscle
be prepared to sabotage every month you see “not much”

  1. process>outcome. get really good at the habits that keep you lean for life.. VS fixating on the scale going down
    realise that fat loss is a PHASE so you need a drive outside of that #

Measure success by mindset, actions *& behaviour change over time
Slowly stretch & move your comfort zone so you make the habits that lead to the outcomes more autopilot

Everything is practice
Easy wins over time.


TRUE… what worked for you before won’t work for you now but whats the truth here?

75% of women gain ~10kg during this time… mostly around their bellys
let me break down WHY & what you can do based on #science

So many women are fast to blame hormones or their metabolism for their “lack of results”
“I’ve gained so much weight and i havent changed my routine” is another common one

OR they play victim to their age, not think its possible for them, so they don’t really give it 100%
Most likely before theyve struggled in the past, only gained weight back etc..

Sound familiar?

  • Fatigued? Tired? Sore & niggly?
    Lacking your usual OOMPH?

Theres a ROOT CAUSE to this. A
What worked before, wont work now
Your body IS going to slow down AS YOU DO

the way you most likely treated your body in the past has ALOT to do with it.
The emotional and mental effects of this life stage make eating less and doing more near impossible
It hits harder, stress & cortisol hit you more..
RECOVERY is such an important factor!

If you keep trying to go back to your OLD body or compare yourself to 20yos online..
You are doing yourself a disservice

BUT THIS DOES NOT MEAN you cant create an epic fkn physique
I assure you you can
It just needs MORE INTENT and a proper strategy
This is where coaching comes in

Learning where to focus,
Shifting from SCALES & #s to body composition, strength, purpose & meaning
CONFIDENCE as you age

Estrogen falling = more of your fat is DISTRIBUTED differently
Aka you gain more fat around the middle section

Collagen production decreases as we age, giving rise to wrinkled and sagging skin that disturbs many middle-agers as they contemplate their reflection in a mirror.

Your metabolism DOES NOT slow down until you are in your 60s where there is a SLIGHT GRADUAL DECLINE over time… this is equated for MUSCLE MASS so your muscle is important

Muscle is what gives bodies the strong & athletic shape
Muscle is metabolism
You lose muscle, you lose up 100-400 calories per day
More muscle lifting more & heavier loads & moving around in life burns more calories

Well..first ill state the obvious

  • most women have tried to lose weight at some time with many doing cyclical dieting bouts, yoyoing or chronically in a diet mind frame.

Most have spent YEARS feeding it like crap, restricting it,
while our bodies do change, we make it worse than it needs to be by not treating and fueling it correctly

  • most things targeted at women are about being smaller, losing weight, shrinking etc…
  • so many haven’t been in LONG, DEDICATED & SPECIFIC periods attempting to BUILD MUSCLE & STRENGTH
  • more exercise or cardio is even MORE detrimental as you age. You need to prioritize more recovery!
  • what we THINK we need to do is far from reality
    Active women need at least 3g/kg carbs up to 7g/kg for MODERATE exercise not to mention we all have different stress and obligations in our lives. While I’m not saying this is the case for OP here, some people don’t have the time, mental energy or ability to “eat in restriction and meticulously track everything that passes their lips” when they’re caring for children, grandchildren, aging parents, working full time, etc.

Tons of variables.
But the common denominator is it doesnt have to be that way
Having a coach in your corner during this period is honestly the best investment you can ever make into your health (a good coach)

Bcos you lose estrogen, you have to do all you can to protect your muscle and bone mass and THUS metabolism.
The way most people diet puts this more at risk -as well as increasing chronic levels of cortisol
Every time you attempt to diet to only put the weight back on, your metabolism gets slower and slower as you lose muscle and Gain more body fat, most likely with a higher Drive for carbs and sweets

Most women are already trying to lose weight on less than 1500 calories
this isn’t healthy or sustainable nor will it get you any closer to your goal. Where do you go from that? Remember that your diet approach impacts your mood, energy and performance… increases stress (mental AND physical), and can impact sleep quality

all of these impacts your ability to get results.


  • switch from cardio to strength and resistance training
  • get your macros & micros in check.
  • HIGHER PROTEIN is even more important 35yo +
  • food quality is more important
  • LIMIT OR REMOVE ALCOHOL – as you age, your body is slower to eliminate it.
  • walking is more important than ever
  • protein is more important than ever (40g+ in a meal which you do)
  • less frequent feeding of higher quality meals helps for this reason
  • strength training is more important
  • self awareness even more important bc peri is a very mental game

You don’t want to be skinny & weak right?

Yes, you can like the reflection in the mirror.

Yes, you can enjoy shopping for clothes.

Yes, you can command attention when you walk in a room.

None of that comes from chasing skinny.

Do it the right way so you optimize body composition & feel better. You’ll want to do more, not less. You’ll also want to go sleeveless or carry your own darn dog food bag.

A reasonable calorie deficit doesn’t disrupt your hormones. It puts your body into a fat burning state that comes from expending more energy during exercise. And you also get to enjoy food again instead of thinking of it as the enemy.

DO YOU FIND TRACKING TOO OBSESSIVE? restrictive? Too hard & ovewhelming

Failing to track your macros for longer than a week straight?

“It takes too much time”

“I don’t want to count every gram of chicken”

“I keep missing my numbers and feeling like I’m failing”

Do any of these sound familiar?

Here’s how to get back in control and stop having food rule your life… so you can feel more food freedom, peace & enjoy life at the same time.

1/ So many women hate the idea of tracking or find it too time consuming

they force themselves into what they think they NEED to or SHOULD do to get results

 if you have only seen nutrition or monitoring food with “weight loss” or solely “calorie focused” “burning calories” etc…

you only ever dieted with restrictions, extremes or <1400 calorie plans

with good or bad foods…

it makes it even harder

when you are red taped with all these forbidden foods, trying to fit everything into tiny calories… 

falling off track so often… it gets hard to create the momentum you need without facing “failure” over and over

2/ you make meals so complicated and try to Michelin star 5 every meal…

Keep it simple, stop changing it up or winging it every meal, every day

When you keep your diet SIMPLE, tracking your meals is so much easier – thus your consistency, confidence & results 10fold… making you want to KEEP doing the thing.

** this doesn’t mean flavourless

Nor a carbon copy every single meal and day

Once you gain more nutritional awareness and knowledge, you have tools to sub similar calorie/carb/protein things in and out

Ie. Lean protein sources on rotation; change up your fruit & veg… although its essentially the same meal, same meal different way of cooking.. or flavour/spice profile… swapping carbs out for similar calorie carbs (rice VS pasta VS potato VS noodles… but same meal)

3/ the reason MOST people find it so hard to track food or resent the process

Is because either YOU believe or you had a coach encroach on you to track everything to the exact gram, that EVERYTHING must be counted… 

Maybe you yourself dragged your scale to social events or felt any guilt if you couldn’t track the food

It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You CAN guestimate & make choices that make it easier for you to track something similar. Too many people think every single grain needs to be tracked, if you miss.. youre doomed

If you eat out.. well that’s blown it for the day

I got some news for you. Tracking doesn’t have to be as rigid as you think. Especially if you’re not in some competition. This is for LIFE after all.

There is a spectrum for tracking… and if you dont want to track forever, you dont have to… but its the extensive background of gaining knowledge of nutrition via tracking in different phases… and not just for calories or macros but to actually understand what is in the food you are eating macros, nutrition, fibre – how it also makes you feel and how quickly some things add up (oils, butters, nut butters, cheese, condiments, drinks, alcohol) and how they also make you feel

There’s more to nutrition than weightloss

And more to tracking than getting into a deficit

Different tools for different people

Heres some ways to approach tracking with more flexibility

THINK RANGES not numbers

Ie; hit at least X grams of protein, X grams of carbs +/-20g

OR hit X calories and X protein with X amount of fruit/veg/fibre and fill in the rest

OR X cals, X protein, X carbs around your workout, hit plants & fibre goal and whatever for the rest

You can create a system for the same meals in the week so you don’t bother with tracking and then have flexibility on weekends and only track then

Plan your food ahead of time so you know what you can sub in & out of the app without needing to log things in

** to note

If you are struggling to see results, you may need less flexibility in your tracking OR to reexamine your approach

** the scale is the most accurate guide… but there are more flexible options – it all depends on your immediate goal – if you are fatigued from it all, you MAY need a step back to move forward 

You don’t need to count calories to lose weight… but they will always count..

You don’t know what you don’t know, and many of us think we have a good diet or are eating for fatloss… when in reality – numbers say otherwise

Most people don’t have a great deal of nutritional education outside of just “following a meal plan” or juggling the conflicting information online

Tracking food isn’t just about controlling weight. it can be used for health, performance, preventing or helping disease/ill health….

focus more on the food scale and less on the bathroom scale and you automatically put yourself in more control

If your past approaches were based in restriction, all or nothing, perfectionism, nailing macros to the T It may take a while of deloading from that and focusing in other areas that push your forward so that you can start to feel & see progress

To recognise your growth in other areas

The goal is to be able to have flexibility in your lifestyle but that doesn’t come without nutrition awareness, and some form of restraint.

Building the habits of a lean, healthy & strong person

Training and eating like an athlete that also lives a fulfilling life

There are always hard times

Youll lack motivation, Youll have to force it many times

And thats where your inner character and strength grows. Your confidence in showing up in the tough times. This is where long term habit change = the results you KEEP. no more rebound

there is a SCALE of flexibility. diet phases require MORE planning MORE measuring & more meticulous data. outside of that – you have MORE flexibility but you cant have that without restraint.

the food environment is pro-obesity these days

“I thought my diet was pretty good until I started tracking. I then realised it REALLY wasn’t”

Its like trying to get out of debt without looking and numbers but just hoping it all works out…

The knowledge of food and food choices that comes from tracking is priceless

When you build up that tool box & knowledge bank, it is so much easier to keep your results, enhance your HEALTH & PHYSIQUE and make food choices without guilt or fear & more with intent

How much of a transformation can you make in 12 weeks??

  • 5 hot tips to get your best booty & body

IT ISN’T THE AMBITION or GOAL that is wrong, but the mindset, intention & approach…
So many of you have been living your life TRYING to lose weight

If your goal is fat loss, some dieting will always be required eventually.
Dieting should be TEMPORARY, not a permanent pursuit..
if you are always trying to lean down.. you aren’t doing it right

BUT dieting itself is TAXING; mentally, emotionally & physically
You CANT keep pushing it

And if you want a successful fatloss phase
You need to put the time in to set yourself up right from the start

Regardless of how much weight you have to lose… nutrition should be phasic
MEANING fatloss is done in chunks, not a marathon
(each chunk is individual to the person & expectations need to be in check)

many are already good at losing weight!
you’ve done that before…
its the keeping it off…
staying “on track”

its the then building of the body you love for life in an approach that empowers you! That you want to keep doing!
THAT CONFIDENCE is created in the PROCESS.

Confidence isn’t JUST a way to feel.
Confidence is something you wear.
It doesn’t come from the results you get
But being confident that you can BOUNCE BACK and take control when sh*t hits the fan, when things don’t go to plan.. you can still show up and make the best choice

remember that things DON’T always go to plan
life happens
you need to be able to PIVOT
Don’t see so short-sighted that you fail to plan for the months ahead… the year after.. or when you inevitably fall off the restricted plan you laid out

You DO NOT keep eating your “diet calories” once you lose weight
And there’s a point where you just keeping trying to lose fat…
But in reality its 4-8lb/2-4kg of muscle you need on your frame

THAT will change your body composition a HELLUVA LOT MORE than trying to just shred it ogg

Don’t get caught up in the minute-to-minute results
that you forget to actually create a lifestyle & journey that you also enjoy… so that you not only GET the results.. but you keep them
Planting the seeds, watering them & looking after your garden daily….
NOT pulling out your seeds every couple of days to see if something has grown..

I’ll end this with 5 hot tips to get your best booty & body

  1. Lift weights on a SMART PROGRAM….
    bootcamp workouts, circuit high rep sh*t, pumpy workouts arent going to cut it! EFFECTIVE exercises, effective reps & sets
  2. Stop dieting all the damn time and spend most of the year in maintenance or above working on muscle and strength this is the most important part

this includes GETTING OUT OF A DEFICIT MINDSET – stop keeping one foot out the door.
PERIODIZE your approach.

  1. BE. PATIENT – the hardest one we all battle.
    pick ONE path (the right one i hope), and STICK TO IT CONSISTENTLY over a LONG PERIOD

none of this hopping around sh*t

we all wanna get the results tomorrow… but we truly never get there. Humans get joy & happiness in the pursuit of improvement.

the key is to be happy with where you are at every point along the journey

  1. Genetics play a big role!!
  2. RECOVERY, SLEEP, STRESS, MOVEMENT are big parts in this too

My client lost 2% BF in 2 weeks By increasing carbs & Without restricting food

My client lost 2% BF in 2 weeks
By increasing carbs
Changing training (harder + smarter)
Adding another rest day
Without restricting food

Let me explain

So you want to get a DEXA or INBODY to test your BF%?
First of all
They are inaccurate and too unreliable to use as a meaningful metric
You might be able to sort of kind of mitigate these, but that’s not even the point

They aren’t reflective of how you feel, your long-term progress, how you feel about your body, how you ACTUALLY look
They aren’t a true representation of your progress and where you are now in your journey

They don’t take into consideration any of the above nor how what you’re doing now can set you up for even greater progress in the future

And sadly, over the last decade, the way I see this pen out usually goes as follows…

It’s either lower than you expected but you’re still unhappy with how you look and then you get on a chase of more

It’s higher than you expected but you went BOUNCING in, feeling really positive about your journey and on the right track
Or you are just using it as “may as well, its there”

You see a lower LBM (muscle) and get completely in the dumps
or a higher LBM but also higher bf% and fixate on the bf that you h8 so much

Or at somehow magically falls into the range you expected

But you don’t feel like it “completed you”

or under the “guise” that its better than a scale bc fat, muscle… no
“im genuinely curious” okay but why???
if you are FINALLY doing the things you need to do to get to where you want to be
improving, getting stronger…

will it actually make you feel better??? especially when our human brain sees the opposite
but that aside, SOMETHING you are missing that’s DAMN IMPORTANT

There’s 4 groups of components in your body
Water; body fluid, water IN muscle etc….
Protein; in muscles, organs, and bones
Minerals; in bones
its lumped into lean body mass, fat/other mass
sometimes water (but this can be widely warped

the reading can be impacted by your diet the last few days, carb intake, sodium balance, water, food intake when you last exercise, how long you’ve been awake for, if you hold water with PMS, time of day….

^^ carbs = ^^ glycogen & water in the muscle/body
Your body is better hydrated
Both of the above lead to better performance & recovery, more energy
Better mood, sleep too
All which lead to the badass body composition that you want
(especially if you FUEL your workouts right 😉)

You’ll eventually be able to eat more food more calories to maintain your weight
Even diet on more calories
This makes it more sustainable and enjoyable

X the constant need for numbers
bf% or scale to “check progress”, or give yourself a pass/fail
Or to somehow validate your effort
Or even how good you feel

Tends to lead many down a road that is taking you further away from your goal
Trying to rush it more? See bigger change?
or the inevitable self sabotage

  • lower carb, more training and/or more cardio,
  • another calorie drop

(2 months later sponge bob)
Adapt metabolically & hormonally harder

Your “deficit” isn’t making you lose weight anymore
Maybe gaining around your middle…

PLUS, MOST women are spending Most of their life not fueling adequately for the body that they want
or constantly trying to diet

you gotta walk out of the deep woods you walked into first…

    Poor approaches can lead to muscle loss, poor performance, cravings, evening hunger

Overcompensation from not fuelling workouts or your day (you didn’t recover/mismanaged cortisol)
Cortisol dysregulated from lack of carbs and poor nutrition approach/overexercise

Extra calories sneak in that ALL add up
Especially if you are either a smaller woman, under muscled, or on <6k steps (sedentary)

And say you are on the right track, you get a number back, or its not what you wanted…
Or even if it is
Remember we are doing this to FEEL better, be healthier, build our INTERNAL confidence
And a LIFESTYLE (not a day, week or season) where we can MAINTAIN a badass rig

With HEALTH, energy, vitality

An obsession with calories, body checking, numbers….
Isn’t going to give you that

Especially with things that do more harm than good for most humans when you consider HOW their mindset is

And even so, you can have a great relationship with it…
And somehow it starts to get to you along the way
Ive witnessed this in SO many women

Especially those who grew up <2000s