Tag Archives: tone up

The best way to build muscle without gaining a bunch of fat

A mini blueprint for women 35yo+

Tired of spinning your wheels, working hard but not seeing the tighter, stronger more defined body you dream of? You’ve probably spent years chasing weight loss, trying every diet under the sun, but never quite getting the results you want. It’s time to change your approach. Here’s a detailed, evidence-based guide on building muscle with minimal fat gain, tailored for women aged 35-50 who are dedicated to their fitness journey but need a clearer direction.

1. your training matters šŸ‹ļøā€ā™€ļøšŸ”„

– its not just about the weight you lift or the rep range you do

Get out of your own way. The set up of exercises is everything. Set up right, get the TARGET muscle and then load it. Switch your focus to performing each and every rep with INTENT until you FAIL to get another rep with proper form.

– there are times when pushing with some body language or intensifiers plays a place in a SMART STRUCTURED and SPECIFIC program made for YOU ā€“ but always SAFE form

– Many women hold themselves back, fearing they’ll get bulky or hurt themselves, but often our real biggest barrier is ourselves.

you want the TARGET muscle to fail and the reps to notably slow down over the reps & sets as you get closer to failure/fatigue

– if you are doing a tonne of volume for legs, the answer is more likely you need to train harderā€¦

random programming, winging your weights & exercises wont get you permanent results. You NEED structure. Increase your training capacity = improved muscle ā€˜toneā€™ & strength

– FILM your lifts & track your lifts + how things feel/notes

2. FUEL TRAINING adequately šŸŒšŸž

Prioritizing CARBS before you train is crucial for helping amplify your performance, giving you the energy to fuel your performance and lift with higher intensity & effort FOR LONGER. (even if you donā€™t feel it)

Fuelling the main active part of your day is an easy shift that can make HUGE difference

Under-fueling leads to fatigue, poor performance, and increased risk of injury.

Proper fueling helps you maximize your training potential and performance which is key for physique change


30+g  At every meal, on the higher end of the range.

(insert alanā€™s protein pyramid)

Yes you can argue that eating more & having carbs is anabolic in itself, but research shows only positive effects from eating even a higher range of protein (2.2-2.6g/kg)

NOW you DO NOT want to have it at the expense of carbs.

Carbs to fuel your training AND recovery plus your day to day energy is the greatest leverage

Protein + carbs + the right training = šŸ”„ šŸ”„

4. BUILDING MUSCLE needs FUELā€¦ building blocks!! (calories)

Many women fear eating more due to weight gain concerns, leading to a constant state of dieting and muscle loss.

Knowing the right balance ensures muscle gain without excessive fat.

You wont be building anything meaningful if you hold yourself to fatloss, dieting or wanting to go back to dieting after only building for a few months. Been there, done thatā€¦. Didnā€™t get anywhere farā€¦.

Be INTENTIONAL about building your body &  fuelling for it VS going back and forth or just winging it. A surplus of 5% is plenty for many

You donā€™t HAVE to surplusā€¦ but if you arenā€™t eating AT LEAST maintenanceā€¦ you wont be building anything remarkable so donā€™t complain if you find yourself still spinning your wheels in a year+

Ive been there knee jerking back to fat loss a few months into eating more. Just wasted effort.

And no, 1600 calories is NOT your maintenance. Start thinking 1800+

Understand that not eating enough can hinder muscle building efforts: Give your body the energy it needs! šŸ„—šŸ—


More isnt more, it can lead to LESS and taking you backwards. If you arenā€™t recovering, you arenā€™t progressing or adapting (getting results). Take it too far and you impede progress moving forward.

The only training you benefit from are those you can RECOVER FROM. Itā€™s what happens OUTSIDE of the gym that creates results. You STIMULATE growth by breaking down muscle in the gym. The other 22-23 hrs of the day are where magic happen.

The goal is LONGEVITY, burning yourself out is not it.


the overlooked small things that are BIG things.

– You need enough quality sleep to help repair muscle and help your hormones & metabolism flourish.

– stress management is KEY to help you stay consistent in giving your best efforts

– hydration is essential for building muscle & fat loss. It transports nutrients and is a critical part of metabolism & hormonal health. It helps prevent cramping & fatigue!

All of the 3 help with your energy & performance.


Be patient! Muscle building is a LONG ASS process. Think 0.2kg a month being generous if you do the right things.

You wont always show up roaring, thatā€™s ok. Motivation is a rarity,

Its easy to emotionally attach yourself to numbers and figures, youre human. But donā€™t forget to enjoy the experience and process, to live your lifeā€¦

But also KNOW your tradeoffs, be 100% honest with your actions & be accountable to your actions.

Its about having FLEXIBLE restraint (within your known constraints/guidelines)

Your life should absolutely be the center stage. Aim for balanceā€”enjoy your life while making smart choices most of the time.

My coaching focuses on helping you navigate these real-life situations while staying on track with your fitness goals

8. get professional support!

The best way to skip the years of llearning, mistakes, peddling backwards, sabotageā€¦. And ā€œtime machineā€ you faster to where you want to be is to work with a coach

Having personalised advice, support & accountability can help you avoid a lot of the common wheel spinning and pitfalls many repeat for YEARSā€¦ and get you out of your own way

A tailored plan for YOUR goals? I mean it just has you feel SO much more confident in your process if you let yourself go ALL IN for your future self.

How much of a transformation can you make in 12 weeks??

  • 5 hot tips to get your best booty & body

IT ISNā€™T THE AMBITION or GOAL that is wrong, but the mindset, intention & approachā€¦
So many of you have been living your life TRYING to lose weight

If your goal is fat loss, some dieting will always be required eventually.
Dieting should be TEMPORARY, not a permanent pursuit..
if you are always trying to lean down.. you arenā€™t doing it right

BUT dieting itself is TAXING; mentally, emotionally & physically
You CANT keep pushing it

And if you want a successful fatloss phase
You need to put the time in to set yourself up right from the start

Regardless of how much weight you have to loseā€¦ nutrition should be phasic
MEANING fatloss is done in chunks, not a marathon
(each chunk is individual to the person & expectations need to be in check)

many are already good at losing weight!
you’ve done that beforeā€¦
its the keeping it offā€¦
staying “on track”

its the then building of the body you love for life in an approach that empowers you! That you want to keep doing!
THAT CONFIDENCE is created in the PROCESS.

Confidence isn’t JUST a way to feel.
Confidence is something you wear.
It doesnā€™t come from the results you get
But being confident that you can BOUNCE BACK and take control when sh*t hits the fan, when things donā€™t go to plan.. you can still show up and make the best choice

remember that things DON’T always go to plan
life happens
you need to be able to PIVOT
Don’t see so short-sighted that you fail to plan for the months aheadā€¦ the year after.. or when you inevitably fall off the restricted plan you laid out

You DO NOT keep eating your ā€œdiet caloriesā€ once you lose weight
And thereā€™s a point where you just keeping trying to lose fatā€¦
But in reality its 4-8lb/2-4kg of muscle you need on your frame

THAT will change your body composition a HELLUVA LOT MORE than trying to just shred it ogg

Donā€™t get caught up in the minute-to-minute results
that you forget to actually create a lifestyle & journey that you also enjoyā€¦ so that you not only GET the results.. but you keep them
Planting the seeds, watering them & looking after your garden dailyā€¦.
NOT pulling out your seeds every couple of days to see if something has grown..

I’ll end this with 5 hot tips to get your best booty & body

  1. Lift weights on a SMART PROGRAMā€¦.
    bootcamp workouts, circuit high rep sh*t, pumpy workouts arent going to cut it! EFFECTIVE exercises, effective reps & sets
  2. Stop dieting all the damn time and spend most of the year in maintenance or above working on muscle and strength this is the most important part

this includes GETTING OUT OF A DEFICIT MINDSET – stop keeping one foot out the door.
PERIODIZE your approach.

  1. BE. PATIENT – the hardest one we all battle.
    pick ONE path (the right one i hope), and STICK TO IT CONSISTENTLY over a LONG PERIOD

none of this hopping around sh*t

we all wanna get the results tomorrowā€¦ but we truly never get there. Humans get joy & happiness in the pursuit of improvement.

the key is to be happy with where you are at every point along the journey

  1. Genetics play a big role!!
  2. RECOVERY, SLEEP, STRESS, MOVEMENT are big parts in this too

Reaching a certain # on the scale doesnā€™t magically mean you’ll get the body you want

SOMETIMES it can have you look worseā€¦

As counterintuitive as it may sound, 

weighing MORE may lead to a better physique.

Thatā€™s not to say that you donā€™t need to lose fat.

But your dream body is not built from one fat loss cycle

& muscle WEIGHS something

NOONE diets their way to a killer physique

You need to spend enough time BUILDING the muscle.


If you diet most of the year, chasing calories or a certain # on the scale

You’re robbing yourself of the very thing needed to add SHAPE to your body.

Which takes LONGER than you realise

(aka at least a year dedicated to building, & doing the RIGHT things)

Weight loss & fat loss are not the same thing.

You can be the SAME weight but with a total different body composition

(more muscle, less fat, more shape & definition, less jiggle jiggle)


I see so many people trying so hard to get to a certain # or to just ā€œdrop the weightā€ away

Or fight to keep their weight down below a certain number

Buy clothes for their ā€œsmallest selvesā€

That they never give themselves the opportunity to TRULY improve their physique

MUSCLE takes up space. And a lot more than you realise when you add water & glycogen plus blood volume


I spent my whole life dieting & missed out on so many years of progress because I kept myself tied to staying BELOW a certain # on the scale & hating how I felt in tight pants

But I kept myself spinning wheels & struggling more with my nutrition over time

Chasing calories

ā€ŒWhen I finally made the change I knew I needed (that was obviously backfiring)

I started to actually enjoy the process of my training so much more

I was able to PROGRESS & not feel like a slave to it all


Theres so much more to fitness than just obsessing over numbers & how you look

You can do anything you want to your outsides,

but if you donā€™t address whatā€™s inside, any changes will be few and fleeting.

Nothing changes aside from MAYBE looking ā€œbetterā€ (but still never feeling its enough haha)

for a short period of time before you rebound.

You wonā€™t build any real confidence, nor make lasting changes (lifestyle OR mindset)
Thatā€™s hell on a hamster wheel


When you are focused on HEALTH, STRENGTH, MUSCLE & performance

FEELING good & energized

You will finally see the improvements you are after

Periodizing your nutrition

Adding muscle to your body to IMPROVE YOUR PHYSIQUE

Challenging yourself in the gym, building confidence & BADASSERY

LEARNING how to train effectively & TUNE INTO YOUR BODY

Thatā€™s where TRUE change happens.


Doing the same thing over and over, expecting something different

but getting the same failed result, never learning, never really truly growing

then being frustratedā€¦


At some point, somethingā€™s gotta give.
All of my clients understand the benefits of phasic dieting

Of focusing on the inside, performance.. tuning into the body and what it CAN do

The physique you want is a byproduct of that

& you also BUILD confidence, a whole new mindset with more freedom & flexibility to actually enjoy life & THRIVE

You are NOT one dimensional

SQUATS vs HIP THRUSTs for SUPERIOR GLUTE GROWTH; the only booty blueprint you need

                   So you want to grow a booty. Most of you are likely smashing your hip thrusts, maybe some kickbacksā€¦ but are you truly maximizing your booty building potential?

First, click follow for more tips & youll find more in the caption, now

Research shows that training muscles at lengthened ranges can lead to more muscle growth.

So squatting gives us that full stretch making it important for glute development.

The same can be said for exercises like bent knee RDLs, good mornings, and deadlifts, especially paused and floating variations (more time under tension)

Body type and squat patterns can influence glute force ie more hip dominant = more glutes

But  this is where exercises selection specific to YOU is important.

Donā€™t forget there are other squat patterns like smith machine, machine squats, leg pressā€¦ all stretch the glute!

Single leg work is a MUST for this also, plus it does something squats & hipthrusts donā€™t.. it demands stability and more glute medius, that outer glute!

However, hip thrusts and glute hypers are great additions for targeting the glutes in a shortened position it’s important to actually complete each rep with full thrust/hip extension to reap the benefits

Theyre great to add into programming as they are less fatiguing and for someone who is learning to squat or doesnā€™t bias the glutes, they tick the box.

Everyone is built different & moves different, so find what works for you, but I would be including both squats & thrusts with a good dose of single leg work in there too

IT DEPENDS; everyone is built differently

Research shows more muscle growth training muscles at lengthened ranges which in this case would be the squat as the glutes get a full stretch at the bottom – the importance of squatting below parallel

The same can be said for bent knee RDLs, good mornings, deadlifts – especially paused & floating deadllifts

Body type can increase or decrease glute force

People have different squat patterns, none are right or wrong UNLESS the form itself is incorrect

Some people are more HIP dominant or have longer femurs vs KNEE which = more glutes

Then theres training age & experience & what is easier to progress…

But why just barbell back squats? Theres smith machine, hack squats, leg press variation that train the same pattern

ALBEIT not demanding as much musculature or stability as a barbell squat…same same

I LOVE squat & deadlift variations more for glutes as you can lift heavier, get booty gains from the stretched position & produce higher forces (also why I love lunges & split squats for the booty)

Learning good form & hitting depth is key!

BUT hip thrusts are a GREAT addition to get the glutes in a SHORTENED position

You also get this with Glute Hyperā€™s

BUTā€¦ you need to ACTUALLY COMPLETE EACH REP for that benefit

AKA full thrust/hip extension at the top which many of you THINK you do

But dont really lock that out (OR you load it too much)

These accessories = more glute work with less fatigue & DOMS (muscle soreness)

You feel thrusts more because its a “shortened” exercise. Sensations =/= better for growth

So whats better? BOTH

Squat & squat variations, lunges & split squats should make up the majority of your program (Rdls etc..)

But adding in glute focused hypers & hip thrusts are icing on the cake if you want more volume

Either/or statements arenā€™t really useful BUT neither of them train glute medius well,

so you need single leg work in there too!


So yes, MUSCLE BUILDING is site specific.

If you want to build shape in an area, you should perform the best movements for the various muscle/muscle parts and use progressive overload.

Compounds ā€“ give you BANG FOR YOUR BUCK and also come with higher volume thus a better metabolic effect.
Isolations ā€“ target your weaknesses, enhance certain areas that need to be brought up.

Lacking shape in your rear delts? Do rear delt raises.
Lacking the lower fibres of your traps? Do prone trap raises
Lacking some meat in your hammies? Do your leg curl variations and hip extension variations.

The TRUTH about losing stubborn fat is that it’s the exact same as losing fat from any area.
ā €
It all comes down to:
ā €
āœ…creating a calorie deficit
āœ…Strength training
āœ…Plenty of whole foods ā€“ micronutrition, fibre, WATER
āœ…Patience & consistencyā€¦.. very, very patient

šŸ’”^ the last one is SUPER important

way your body stores and loses fat is unique to you
-different genetics & “problem” areas

šŸ’”For me, it’s my lower back & stomach / my torso. My limbs seem to fair a-ok.

āŒFasted cardio
āŒSpecific supplements
āŒReplacement shakes
āŒ6 meals a day
āŒHours and hours of cardio

šŸ™„Although they may INDIRECTLY provide a small benefit, they DO NOT replace any of the 4 ticks ā€“ especially #4.

One thing to note šŸ“: getting rid of every single itty bitty chunk of fat isn’t realistic
ESPECIALLY for women!!

So have a plan you can STICK TO & ENJOY

Have BALANCE so that you can turn it into a lifestyle & NOT rebound after

šŸ‘™šŸ‘™ļø If you just want to simply LOOK GOOD NAKED or IN A BIKINI
ā€œlook good for summerā€

I’ll quote my client “its always summer in the bedroom so I just want to be confident and have a leaner, fitter, stronger body all roundā€

“But I eat cleanā€
doesn’t wor
if youre in a deficit and it isn’t working??

lets see about that

šŸ’ƒIf you find you think youā€™re already doing those things, try troubleshooting these:

ā“- are you staying 100% consistent (even on weekends)?
ā“-do you mindlessly snack at work, or have licks, bites, chews that you donā€™t account for?
ā“- are you tracking your food with 100% precision and accuracy (even on weekends)?
ā“-are you overestimating your expenditure?

if you have done the above for at least 2-3 weeks with no progress:

Keep doing what you’re doing.
Eat fewer calories while also getting enough protein, lifting weights; oh and check your stress and sleep.
Because dramatic changes in body composition don’t happen in a few weeks or months.

Most people know all those things but we are human!!
Sooo if you need any guidance at all, coaching for YOUR goals, body type, personality, and mindset & lifestyle, DM me, EMAIL me, or click the link in the bio/about to apply for a free consult.

stop the struggle & getting caught in yoyoā€™s and plateaus–4 things online fitness promises FOOL you into believing

stop the struggle & getting caught in yoyoā€™s and plateaus

4 things online fitness promises FOOL you into believing

Here are the top 4 myths That I would like to cordially dispel About working out and building muscle

[1] myth = more reps, sets & more volume

= a leaner muscle

Or that light weight for high reps = more tone

>To get the defined muscle look you need to BUILD it

> The way to build it is by training HARD, close to failure with EFFECTIVE exercise selection, sets & reps

> By LOADING the target muscle

> By RECOVERING from the work that you do

> And getting ENOUGH TENSION on said muscle


Do you ever felt like the key to getting results faster or getting better results is to do MORE?

I did too

Early in my lifting & fitness journey I was always about doing more and did SO many sets because I thought it would help me

Burn more energy to stay lean and gain more gains


Training is the stimulus

Training HARD & recovering from that = when you adapt over time

Results are the byproduct

[3] myth = build muscle after you lose fat

NO NO NO you do both

Building muscle biases fat loss, keep your metabolism revving & is what gives you the shape you want.

It ALLOWS you to have more effective fatloss & look harder & firmer


Theres use for short and long rest

I use both

I also use supersets & triplesets

STRENGTH is specific to the rep range you train in


If you donā€™t rest long enough, you wont be ready to give 100% the next set

[5] this one p**ses me off most


It takes goddamn YEARS

No one is lucky

No one is born with a badass physique

It is built through HARDASS WORK

So stop thinking youre going to get bulky in a few months of lifting heavy

Thatā€™s an insult to many of us

Unlike fat loss, where you can lose ~0.5-1kg/wk (1-2lb) *relatively easy*

If you gain even 500g/1lb of muscle in a MONTHā€¦ thatā€™s damn insane

Why cant I just stay on plan?

I just need to try harder

If trying harder is your same response, then you will only end up MORE frustrated.
And youre just repeating the same cycle over and over

Losing weight isnt all about trying harder
& getting your dream body isnt all about losing weight

A lot of people feel like theyre the only ones that struggle with nutrition

ā€œHow do I get myself to adhere to my nutrition in times I struggleā€

ā€œwhy do I follow my goals for a while and then ruin it with snacks I shouldnā€™t be eating? I cant stop myselfā€

Ok ok So WHYY do you keep sabotaging!?

1/ Do you ever say:
ā€œlosing weight is hard because (insert your belief here)ā€
That belief feels safe

ā€œI always gain it backā€
ā€œI love foodā€
ā€œI can never stop snackingā€

2/ mental blocks you are UNAWARE of
Think its going to be too hard?
Especially to KEEP doing it
so you just think of all the things you have to give up instead of all the things you have to gain?
Or your idea of what it takes is all warped?

All or nothing? Perfectionism? It NEEDS to be right otherwise whats the point?
Fear of failing?
How about fear of success? (wait what? Yup, its like youre scared to allow yourself to be proud of your wins & happyā€¦ā€ill just lose it all againā€ ā€œgain it all backā€ ā€œit wont lastā€

SO now you feel out of control
Because you either arenā€™t aware of its roots, theres some avoidanceā€¦
Or the things you THINK you need to do are far from whats actually needed
So it feels like a massive mountain

Donā€™t quit just because progress is too slow
Or you think its not working

Your last 3, 5, 10 years werenā€™t working and you cant be that little bit patient NOW? (given youre on the right path)

THE ONLY thing that will slow down your progress,
The only way youll fail
Is if you give up and quit

Remember, you can do anything for 30 days.
You can grind through whatever when theres a 12 week HALLELUJAH

But if youre only focused on that weight you lose, how fast results come & just getting it nowā€¦
Nothing of that will last.

Focus on your small habits.
The compounding power of consistency.
Little by little,
A little becomes a lot.
So do A LOT just a little
And do the littles, a lot.

Theres a lot to living a life & THRIVING
FEELING like youre on the RIGHT path..moving in the RIGHT direction
Knowing that any effort you give is moving you NORTH
Even when you arenā€™t achieving big goals

ā€˜cos you feel you are where you are meant to be and doing what youre meant to be doing

First you need to believe you can, let go of past predicaments and forgive past fails and struggles

Stop living in the what ifs of the future,
Or the fails of the past
And bring LESSONS to the current.
You can only take action in the now

If I told a big room of people to put their hand up tomorrow, no hands will go up.
You can only act NOW.

How do you stay disciplined with food? i struggle to stay consistent!

How do you stay disciplined with food?
Im good with workouts but struggle with discipline and willpower with food & end up overeating.

I said:
This is what I help a lot of my clients with

  1. why do you feel you struggle with night time snacks?
  2. do you have a restrictive mindset?
  3. are you trying to ā€œeat littleā€ during the day
  4. have you been trying to diet your whole life
  5. Is your idea or belief or perception of what you think you need to do something thatā€™s strict/removing your fave foods?
  6. Are your goals misaligned?
  7. Do you have unrealistic expectations?
  8. Are you anticipating it so ā€œsaving caloriesā€ for it?

You donā€™t have a discipline or motivation problem
& you cant rely on willpower

Its more likely you have UNREALISTIC expectations or simply havenā€™t found what can work with YOU & YOUR life.

Once you sort that out, know you cant rely on willpower either

You have to create an environment that HELPS not HINDERS you.
Allow yourself to be a beginner and take it at your pace
PRACTICE habits & cultivate the MINDSET.

Its about understanding YOURSELF & FOOD
Understanding the journey comes in phases.

Its not about saying no to food but knowing your trade offs
filling your diet first with what you need to fill it with

Fruit & Veg
Addressing your sleep
Addressing your stress

& then understanding why you overeat or snack
Where temptations & old habits leak in.

Old tendencies & habits die hard. They were built through many reps over years
So you need to put in that same PRACTICE and be PATIENT
I donā€™t struggle with my diet goals because:
I live most of my time at maintenance, not in a diet
This means when I DO diet, I give it 100%. I know I have to make more sacrifices (tradeoffs)
Knowing I need to say no and deal hunger, That I cant just wing my way through it
I need to plan my food and macros
Then I get out & up to maintenance with more flexibility, less food focus

My girls who do it the right way donā€™t struggle at all either. Why?
But most of all TRUSTING the process & knowing not every day or week will go to plan. Its ZOOMING OUT to the bigger picture of a year.
Stop expecting perfection at all times.

We set up the expectations from the get go AFTER building a foundation of habits, structure, planning and wringing all we can out of that phase.
Why push more restriction or try to force things faster if you can ENJOY LIFE, KEEP YOUR SANITY & enjoy the process more at a steady pace?

Knowing that THIS TIME you wonā€™t be finding the weight again.
Youā€™ve created a whole new IDENTITY & LIFESTYLE.
Youre a whole NEW ENERGY

If you set your diet up right, you wont have such struggles and you also wont be doing it on such low calories
ā€“ thatā€™s my approach with all my clients

Its funny when they realise they CAN diet on 1600-2000 calories depending on the person, can be higher for some too, and still see progress and results

Again expectations, realistic?
Do you understand periodisation and what you ACTUALLY need to do vs what social media says to do?

TRIED EVERYTHING & STILL STRUGGLING to see the results you want?

The MAIN REASONS I see people working hard

Getting frustrated, wanting to give up, getting frustrated

> impatience

> comparisons

> perfectionism

> quitting when you slip up or it gets hard

> all or nothing


Finding it sooo hard to get stick to it & lose the weight?

One of the worst things you can do is RESTRICT to lose it quicker

Youll find it even harder to stay consistent

Youll try to eat ā€œlittleā€ to only overeat

Youll freak out and then undereat

To only repeat the same cycle

This will mean more fat gain & muscle loss

Hormones will be just as erratic

Youll be moody, more self deprecating as you feel so out of control

Cravings & emotional eating goes up

Training performance & energy goes down

& there your cycle of an unhealthy relationship with food, your body & the process begins

āœ…focus on habits VS outcomes

āœ…focus on having more good days VS not

āœ…let go of unrealistic expectations

āœ…stop trying to do it all & do it all now

āœ…stop being a dick to yourself

āœ…celebrate every win no matter how small

āœ…stop white knuckling things with end dates

Its hard for people to stay consistent if they arenā€™t seeing visible results

Immediate progress

But the thing isā€¦

ā€œvisibleā€ progress doesnā€™t happen every week or month let alone every day

And you SEE yourself everyday

& If you never trust the process youā€™ll never be consistent šŸ’„

& if you arenā€™t consistent, for long enough, including weekends & after 7pm

Youll struggle to see results.

Also, stop trying to DO IT ALL or GET IT ALL RIGHT.

Have more good days then bad days

Adjust your meaning of ā€œgoodā€ and shift your idea of ā€œprogressā€

What would you do if your child came to you saying they got 75% on a test they studied SO HARD for

ā€œyou could have done better, thatā€™s a terrible score. Who caresā€

Because thatā€™s what you do to yourself

Stop being a dick to yourself

Stop the unrealistic high standards & expectations

Stop setting yourself up for failure from the get go

You will fail. You will slip up.

You will doubt yourself

Youll feel like things are moving too slow

Congrats for being human

Just Keep. Fkn. Going.

Failure is FERTILIZER for your success & potential

(and make sure the path youre on isnt one littered in BS, struggle, nor soul & life sucking.)


1. have a start & end date. Its hard to stick to something that feels like its going to be forever, especially when there ARE tradeoffs to be made.

The end date doesnā€™t mean getting to your goal. It means the end of a fatloss phase

Thatā€™s all.

ā€œoh what arenā€™t you supposed to just diet until you get to your goal weight?ā€


Take diet breaks.

This shit is MENTALLY TAXING plus you have a life of social occasions and many opportunities to indulge which only eats at your willpower battery and you may not even notice your effort % decreasing 

Add to that, the longer you stay in a deficit, the more metabolic adaptation you have from sheer fatigue which leaks into energy, performance, mood, sleep ā€“ impacting HORMONES & THEIR OWN HORMONAL CASCADE

Ditch the  ā€œI could keep going and lose 5 more pounds(2-3kg)ā€ mentality

2. KEEP STEPS HIGH and donā€™t slack on movement

the most beneficial part of a foundation phase is that it sets you up with all the foundational habits to make the fatloss phase itself a lot more effective and smooth

when you start to diet

your body fights back

itll do all it can to fight the weight loss which usually means trying to make you lazier

if you approach your training in the WRONG WAY, you add insult to injury!! 

You can leave yourself more tired, exhausted, and sore which only decreases later performance but REDUCES YOUR CALORIE BURN THROUGH THE DAY

AIM FOR 8-12K/day

3. have a regular eating schedule

This helps regulate your appetite & it makes it easier for you to stay on track knowing what and when youre eating

Also makes it less likely for you to be left ravenous one day you just go all out on drive-through

Keep similar foods every day 

Trying new foods all the time will make random results (~20% error on nutritional panels as it is & can increase reward pathways for MORE food) 

4. cook more/ eat more at home. Less eating out ā€“ BUT

If you do eat out, have a plan & eat smart. Have your go to meals and places based around this

You have LESS FLEXIBILITY and room for error in a deficit.

There ARE tradeoffs

5. keep foods at a 7/10 taste

Donā€™t make it so you hate the damn food and its bland

But donā€™t make it so tasty that you want to keep eating and blunt your fullness cues.

In a diet, the taste of almost anything increases

6. protein at each meal

FULLNESS, satiety, helps manage blood sugar and cravings

aim for 30g+ @ breakfast

Its also needed to help KEEP muscle. Non negotiable.

I hardly see people coming to me overconsuming protein & underconsuming carbs& fat. HARDLY EVER.

Protein also has a high thermic effect aka calories needed for digestion is higher than other foods

7. more high volume food

Food with higher water & fibre content

Combined with high volume foods like green veggiesā€¦you get MORE VOLUME for LESS CALORIES

Egs; Melon, veggies, popcorn, eggwhites. Berries, cauliflower rice

Stop trying to fit in all the fun caloric food to only leave yourself hungry & insatisfied

8. donā€™t skimp on carbs. theyre the macro for sanity

And energy + performance.

They also help with sleep and buffering cortisol.

9. limit alcohol to minimum

More important in a fatloss phase as it can impact sleep, it lowers muscle protein synthesis & fat burning.

Plus its empty calories

also, go for sugar free drinks – crystal light/diet soda/diet cordial/water drops

Theres less leeway in a fatloss phase

10. dont drink your calories & use low cal dressings

also, go for sugar free drinks – crystal light/diet soda/diet cordial/water drops

ALSO, DRINK MORE WATER! most people DO NOT DRINK ENOUGH (flavoured counts)

Easy things to look out for

Non stick pans, pressure cookers, microwaves, airfryers etc.ā€¦ they go far without oil.

11. pick LEAN protein

chicken thigh to breast

10% ā†’ 5% ā†’ 2%fat beefs & meats

white fish & meat > steaks

its automatically cuts calories.  the goal is to make the fatloss period EASIER with less effort


Especially if there are social events

Stop winging it ā€“ for food, for tracking or otherwise

donā€™t track as you go. Plan and log ahead of time.

13. you donā€™t need to be in a calorie deficit every day for fatloss

If you have something come up on a day or 2 in the week, thatā€™s fine. PLAN AHEAD OF TIME or make the FIRM DECISION THERE AND THEN to make it a maintenance day so that its PART OF THE PLAN and not a source of FUCKIT BUCK-eT all or nothing-itis