Tag Archives: fuel training

The best way to build muscle without gaining a bunch of fat

A mini blueprint for women 35yo+

Tired of spinning your wheels, working hard but not seeing the tighter, stronger more defined body you dream of? You’ve probably spent years chasing weight loss, trying every diet under the sun, but never quite getting the results you want. It’s time to change your approach. Here’s a detailed, evidence-based guide on building muscle with minimal fat gain, tailored for women aged 35-50 who are dedicated to their fitness journey but need a clearer direction.

1. your training matters šŸ‹ļøā€ā™€ļøšŸ”„

– its not just about the weight you lift or the rep range you do

Get out of your own way. The set up of exercises is everything. Set up right, get the TARGET muscle and then load it. Switch your focus to performing each and every rep with INTENT until you FAIL to get another rep with proper form.

– there are times when pushing with some body language or intensifiers plays a place in a SMART STRUCTURED and SPECIFIC program made for YOU ā€“ but always SAFE form

– Many women hold themselves back, fearing they’ll get bulky or hurt themselves, but often our real biggest barrier is ourselves.

you want the TARGET muscle to fail and the reps to notably slow down over the reps & sets as you get closer to failure/fatigue

– if you are doing a tonne of volume for legs, the answer is more likely you need to train harderā€¦

random programming, winging your weights & exercises wont get you permanent results. You NEED structure. Increase your training capacity = improved muscle ā€˜toneā€™ & strength

– FILM your lifts & track your lifts + how things feel/notes

2. FUEL TRAINING adequately šŸŒšŸž

Prioritizing CARBS before you train is crucial for helping amplify your performance, giving you the energy to fuel your performance and lift with higher intensity & effort FOR LONGER. (even if you donā€™t feel it)

Fuelling the main active part of your day is an easy shift that can make HUGE difference

Under-fueling leads to fatigue, poor performance, and increased risk of injury.

Proper fueling helps you maximize your training potential and performance which is key for physique change


30+g  At every meal, on the higher end of the range.

(insert alanā€™s protein pyramid)

Yes you can argue that eating more & having carbs is anabolic in itself, but research shows only positive effects from eating even a higher range of protein (2.2-2.6g/kg)

NOW you DO NOT want to have it at the expense of carbs.

Carbs to fuel your training AND recovery plus your day to day energy is the greatest leverage

Protein + carbs + the right training = šŸ”„ šŸ”„

4. BUILDING MUSCLE needs FUELā€¦ building blocks!! (calories)

Many women fear eating more due to weight gain concerns, leading to a constant state of dieting and muscle loss.

Knowing the right balance ensures muscle gain without excessive fat.

You wont be building anything meaningful if you hold yourself to fatloss, dieting or wanting to go back to dieting after only building for a few months. Been there, done thatā€¦. Didnā€™t get anywhere farā€¦.

Be INTENTIONAL about building your body &  fuelling for it VS going back and forth or just winging it. A surplus of 5% is plenty for many

You donā€™t HAVE to surplusā€¦ but if you arenā€™t eating AT LEAST maintenanceā€¦ you wont be building anything remarkable so donā€™t complain if you find yourself still spinning your wheels in a year+

Ive been there knee jerking back to fat loss a few months into eating more. Just wasted effort.

And no, 1600 calories is NOT your maintenance. Start thinking 1800+

Understand that not eating enough can hinder muscle building efforts: Give your body the energy it needs! šŸ„—šŸ—


More isnt more, it can lead to LESS and taking you backwards. If you arenā€™t recovering, you arenā€™t progressing or adapting (getting results). Take it too far and you impede progress moving forward.

The only training you benefit from are those you can RECOVER FROM. Itā€™s what happens OUTSIDE of the gym that creates results. You STIMULATE growth by breaking down muscle in the gym. The other 22-23 hrs of the day are where magic happen.

The goal is LONGEVITY, burning yourself out is not it.


the overlooked small things that are BIG things.

– You need enough quality sleep to help repair muscle and help your hormones & metabolism flourish.

– stress management is KEY to help you stay consistent in giving your best efforts

– hydration is essential for building muscle & fat loss. It transports nutrients and is a critical part of metabolism & hormonal health. It helps prevent cramping & fatigue!

All of the 3 help with your energy & performance.


Be patient! Muscle building is a LONG ASS process. Think 0.2kg a month being generous if you do the right things.

You wont always show up roaring, thatā€™s ok. Motivation is a rarity,

Its easy to emotionally attach yourself to numbers and figures, youre human. But donā€™t forget to enjoy the experience and process, to live your lifeā€¦

But also KNOW your tradeoffs, be 100% honest with your actions & be accountable to your actions.

Its about having FLEXIBLE restraint (within your known constraints/guidelines)

Your life should absolutely be the center stage. Aim for balanceā€”enjoy your life while making smart choices most of the time.

My coaching focuses on helping you navigate these real-life situations while staying on track with your fitness goals

8. get professional support!

The best way to skip the years of llearning, mistakes, peddling backwards, sabotageā€¦. And ā€œtime machineā€ you faster to where you want to be is to work with a coach

Having personalised advice, support & accountability can help you avoid a lot of the common wheel spinning and pitfalls many repeat for YEARSā€¦ and get you out of your own way

A tailored plan for YOUR goals? I mean it just has you feel SO much more confident in your process if you let yourself go ALL IN for your future self.


(more muscle, less fat)
Youā€™ll want to TRAIN AT YOUR BEST

Which means properly fuelling your workouts!
YES, even if fatloss is your goal
Donā€™t know how?
Iā€™ve got you —>

Instead of looking at food & thinking
ā€œwhat do I need to restrict/cut to have less caloriesā€

Think of what you can do to

  • IMPROVE your current habits
  • KEEP energized, focused & satisfied
  • MINIMIZE hunger & cravings
  • KEEP performance high
    Constant dieting, going too hard OR TAKING THE WRONG APPROACH
    Will have you feeling tired, hungry, fatigued & irritable
    Which impacts your performance, focus & willpower

This makes it harder for you to ā€œstay on trackā€ especially by night time

If FAT LOSS is your goal
You need to TAKE A SMART APPROACH to avoid losing muscle or gaining MORE fat back after

If BUILDING MUSCLE is your goal
Then quality fuel is more important only now youre fuelling GAINS vs fat loss

GOAL: train & recover better, feel better & have more energy to go about your day!
When you go into your session WELL FUELLED, you enjoy it a whole lot more too!

So, how can you take your physique & performance to the next level?


  • low volume, easy to digest simple carbs that are quick & easy
  • banana
  • rice cakes with honey/jam
  • toast/crumpets/pikelets with honey/jam
  • muesli bar
  • dried fruit
    Pair it with a whey shake if you can

1 hour prior

  • simple carb + protein meal
  • protein smoothie + fruit (add cereal/oats/honey)
  • toast/crumpets/bagel with banana, jam, honey or cottage cheese
  • Greek yoghurt with fruit & honey/cereal

90+ mins

  • protein + complex carbs + plants
  • sandwich/roll/bagel with salad/veg & a protein
  • protein oats + fruit
  • omelette on a wrap/toast
  • pasta/rice + a protein & veg

ALSO prior training
HYDRATE & donā€™t skimp on salt.

Need personalised help & nutrition support?

Train with PURPOSE

(& so much more)

If you want to OPTIMIZE your training so you arenā€™t just putting in hard work without seeing results for it..
listen up

the right fuel will helpl

  • you train harder, stronger & for longer = more ability to force changes to your body & FEEL like a badass in the gym
  • your body wont be in a deprived state the rest of the day & physiologically craving higher energy foods to fill that gap
  • Higher energy in training
  • You need MUSCLE for the shape you are after
    Just dieting doesn’t do that
    you need to BUILD the body to reveal it

Thus it makes sense to do all you can to optimize that process, right?

When you TRAIN like a badass, it builds confidence, knowing you CAN do hard things & now you’re eager to keep improving on yourself

When you feel good in your training, when you have energy through your sessions & SUSTAIN performance
= a positive feedback loop for you

Knowing how to fuel your fatloss phase is just as important as when youre out of a deficit
IF NOT MORE (you want to maintain performance and keep the muscle right?)

If this is something you need help with, book in a free consult via my bio!
or DM ā€œPERFORMā€

** PS; what YOU need depends on your training intensity, duration, fitness level, body composition goals, current calorie & macro prescription