You want to see visible muscle definition but don’t want to look too bulky or gain a bunch of fat?

Here’s the number one thing holding you back…

To my gym bada$$es who want to build muscle & look tighter and leaner….
if you feel dropping calories/want to fat loss everytime you feel fluffy

Your physique & metabolism will get WORSE over time

👀Does this sound like you? Especially when summer arrives?

You try on that tight fit?

You are SABOTAGING your results!!

If you keep limiting your food intake or chucking a tanty over a bad body image/dress day…

You HURT your physique progress long term

It may FEEL like it works… but EACH TIME YOU DO… youll dig a deeper hole.

Its not your coach nor program, its what you’ve been taught to believe

& now your stinky mindset to it all

The greatest cause for this is 1/ impatience 2/Unrealistic expectations of whats supposed to be happening

constantly wanting to do the two for 1 deal with always staying in a lower calorie range thinking youre going to lose fat and still build muscle at the same time…

so youre in this endless cycle of like

“I should be losing fat”

but then also like looking tone all the time”

& you have been taught the process WRONG so you keep spinning your wheels

Especially when ANYTHING works at first for a few weeks… until it doesn’t!!

Heres why:

1→ you don’t give your metabolism a chance to build, nor your hormones & body systems to flourish & peak!

Instead, youll feel restricted even on days you aren’t trying to diet

= more likely to snack, crave & lose control

2→youre in no mans land

you don’t give yourself enough time to build real muscle nor eat enough & fuel high quality training sessions over TIME… and your deficit wont be effective by any sorts

3→so you spin your wheels & feel like total trash!

So many women are in this place where they have been eating 1500 calories – low calories for years and they’re wondering why nothing changes and why they probably feel like crap all the time

4→ Its why so many women complain about the results they don’t see…

Or fall off the radar (bc “whats the point”) after their burst of going hard & motivation… to only burn

5→& why many spent years training 5-6x/wk, hiit, group classes, metabolic circuits, DOZENS of low carb diets… & don’t feel any closer to the physique they want.

6→Yes, fat loss dieting will be part of it. But if this is the only thing you focus on, especially up front, youre going to struggle.

7→Most people workout hard for 45-60 minutes and think they are done for the day. What you do outside of the gym matters a lot

8→Because the whole approach you’ve learnt is completely FLIPPED from what it SHOULD be.

CARBS + MUSCLE = KEY part of looking/feeling lean & strong OVER TIME!!!

you got to give your body some fuel to make those changes it doesn’t just happen from nothing

But you can’t add muscle without:

✅THE RIGHT signals to your body through TRAINING: the biggest key to physique change.

Most skip past just how important the right training regime, approach & mindset is.

✅FUELLING properly. You can do all the training, have a perfect program,

but you need ENOUGH of the RIGHT KIND of fuel to move the car along

don’t expect much for your muscle if you are in calorie defi

Fast forward a year & you’ve made no progress, feel frustrated and deflated

wondering why other women can eat so much more than you whilst being jacked and lean.

What’s a girl to do?

The answer is pretty simple.


Commit to the structure + strategy for the phase you’re in and stop changing your calories based on your feelings 😉

It’s not your coach nor program,

its what you’ve been taught to believe

& now your stinky mindset to it all

sick of feeling like you’re putting in all the effort but STILL not closer to your goals?

Comment COMMIT below or hit the link in my bio for a free consult @transformxruby

Follow for more!


HIGH INTENSITY TRAINING is the key for physique progress

And this is NOT HIIT!

Its ONE i not 2 ii’s

SMART specific HIT puts a great stress demand on the muscles to build & get stronger so you get that harder look. BUT…

Underfuelling can negatively impact hormones + much more which creates a spiral that can worsen results & leave you BURNT

Eat ENOUGH food overall on a daily basis. This may be a lot more than you think or even feel hungry for. With ENOUGH CARBS to support your whole lifestyle and training

✅Fuel your sessions!! (carb rich!)

✅Recover with protein & nutrients

✅DO NOT bank your calories for weekends or nights. You need to eat enough through the day!

Changes that can be hard. But damn rewarding and your body will thank you for them ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

sick of feeling like you’re putting in all the effort but STILL not closer to your goals?

Comment COMMIT below or hit the link in my bio for a free consult @transformxruby

Follow for more!

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