whats driving your goal?

I SPENT A LOT OF MY LIFE thinking that ill be happier when I get “there”
Which left me chasing goals, wanting to just win things…
Which got me trapped into the mindset of chasing a scale going down and when I needed to let go of that to truly make progress…
I was stuck

Scared of letting myself go
Becoming complacent
Was that giving up on me?
What if I got worse?
Lost control?? ( lol I had none to start with..but u had the comfort of knowing where I was and what to expect, even if I didnt like it)

It didn’t make my any happier or feel fulfilled
It made me hyperobsessed, anxious, food focused and trying to fit my life around everything…

Wondering why others could do it
I couldn’t
How could they make it look easy
Find eating that way so easy
Like how?

They seemed so confident too
(Looking on it now from the other side, I see many faking it through with lingering disordered relationships with their body, food and progress…
NOTING that each person has their normal…?

Its not a free for all
eat you can eat anything.
Bc no you cant. There are always tradeoffs

If you say No to something, you said no to that 1 thing
When you say yes to something, you say no to many other things.

So what about the confidence and results built and fortified?

doing what you said you were going to do
Acting in face of fear

Realising you NEED to start as a beginner
Theres no other way

Foxus in what EMPOWERs YOU vs shrinks you.

Where you feel stronger, fitter
Adding more LIFE & confidence.
FEELING IN CONTROL of your life and your body

I never focus on fatloss with my girls. Yes I call it such in social media.
But its always a performance & health focused approach

The HABITS & action plan within that
Will determine the calorie balance scale

I didn’t find my freedom

Until I shifted my focus to how I was FEELING. ENJOYING who I was becoming and what my body could do.

Challenging myself.

Wanting to get STRONGER, improve my workout QUALITY and keep chasing GROWTH in all areas

I realised I was miserable chasing that scale # and external measures…

I realised I was miserable chasing that scale # and external measures
I still hated my belly
Wanted to change my body
But I realised I couldn’t treat myself like 💩on the way there

Bc there’s no there.
There is NOW. The journey.

I felt like a slave to it all
I felt like I was always failing
not doing enough.
I slipped too often & always felt i was off track..
It impacted how I felt

Body image is never about the body
When I stopped the body checking & number obsession, I started to FEEL SO MUCH MORE EMPOWERED in all I did

Giving my 100% daily
Knowing that my best looked different every day.

You desire more than a number or size.

You want to find that power in you
That confidence

The physical changes are a byproduct

🙏🏽Have more energy and confidence.
🙏🏽Be more present with your kids, relationships, friends, family.
🙏🏽Wear that lingerie & bikini with confidence, WEAR THE DAMN SHORTS.
🙏🏽COMFORT in social settings
CONFIDENCE in your choices knowing your tradeoffs without that food guilt.
🙏🏽Libido & steamier sex
🙏🏽Keep up with your kids & ability to create more memories (more dog walks included)
🙏🏽to feel more in control of your life

How bout you?

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