Consistently hitting the gym but don’t look like you lift weights?unhappy with your results?

Is it your training program?
Or HOW you are training?
Is it your nutrition?
does it match your training & what you say you want?
If you’re training 5-7 days a week
It isn’t just about the program here….
there’s alot to unpack starting with HOW are you training?

are you pushing to failure (of form)?
Are you recovering enough?
Are you doing too much?
Are you cutting you doing FULL reps?
Are you RUSHING your reps?

Feel like youre doing everything right?

Walking to a gym & lifting weights =/= training hard
Nor does it guarantee results.

Muscle is built as a response to your body being challenged beyond its current norm
FIGHTING for reps, pushing as hard as you can to get stronger…
It’s a skill you learn over time

THIS is KEY for looking lean!
Its how you BUILD muscle
Its how you KEEP muscle
Its how you also train for fat loss

Want to know how to lose body fat & live leaner with more ease
Without living on peasant calories?

Your last rep SHOULD look questionable!!!
If you get bored, don’t know what to do with your rest times or feel you don’t need them
You aren’t training hard enough.

Training with intensity is something you LEARN
The discomfort you push through is a SKILL


The greatest 2 hacks?
2/ use your training log for MORE than #s, WRITE how things feel & notes to self

are you giving your best HONEST effort?
It’s about giving your best you have for THAT day.

Which. Always. Fluctuates

NUTRITION to match!

Hate to break it
But if you are SO FOCUSED on downsizing and the # on the scale
You are focusing on the wrong puzzle pieces

Tell me about how your training logs look over the last 4, 6, 8 weeks…
or do you change workouts every week or 3?

Many of you are always training & dieting for fatloss
then wonder why you aren’t seeing the results that you want…

I “wasted” years chasing muscle gains
But refused to give up my desire for melting my stubborn belly fat and trying to be as lean as possible
I see this constantly with so many others
You say you want muscles about your actions during align with that?
do you keep using “dieting” or “restricting” as a safety net? a comfort zone?

You can be holding yourself back
sabotaging your true progress
Even if you aren’t actively dieting
Simply because your mindset hasn’t shifted

You’re still so focused on the muffin top
The fact the scale isn’t going down….
It’s keeping you in a dieters mentality!!

It doesn’t mean get fat!!! I’m trying to walk the talk…
“You’re lean enough already…easy for you to say”
But I didn’t wake up lean by chance
I built this
I did the work
I ditched the diet after trying to get lean on 1600 calories, minimal real carbs, all the cardio and over exercising…

So that when I DID do a 6 week fatloss phase…
It was damn fkn effective

REAL change isn’t happening as quick as you think
Stop changing things up because you don’t see a change after 6 or 12 wks! Not to say nothing is happening in that amount of time,
but your expectations for it are unrealistic
So tell me…
Are you really fat loss resistant
Or have you just not shifted your approach and mindset yet?
There are multiple paths from A to B but if you want to make it to C and D, you better choose wisely.
If you try to build something without a solid foundation, it will likely collapse.

You say you want more muscle but you panic when the scale goes up
Or when your pants fit tight

  • muscle EXPANDS with blood, glycogen & water. Especially 1-2 days after leg day. Many of you do 2-3 of those a week… expect it * muscle has the RIGHT curves, the RIGHT shape & it looks $EXY NAK3D
    You’re frustrated with how slow your progress is so you add in more training, more sets, more work…
    And end up moving in the opposite direction

You hyperfocus on calories, but miss out on actual NUTRITION, lifestyle & what YOUR body needs
Which is different from joe, sally & sue

STOP feeding your own confusing & self doubt pushing a faulty system harder
Spinning around in circles…
And start making KICKA$$ progress with an approach that fits YOU
So you KEEP the results that you get, feel confident & empowered in the process
And start to see your body take the shape that you want it to

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