the hard truth about the body & life you desire…

A Fuller, thriving life probably needs you to be eating a couple hundred more calories

 most women (thanks social media)  have lost touch with what a healthy “lean” looks like…

 we become obsessed with obliterating anything that jiggles.  but mate,  we ain’t made of wood nor are we skeleton sam (skeleton gif here)

 THERE ARE TRADEOFFS to everything  (especially at the extremes) and remember the goal is living a happy, fulfilling life. (health + fitness should be there to enhance your life + LONGEVITY vs taking over your life with food thoughts or calorie burning obsession)

YOU CAN do both – live life and look freaking badass

its just not going to be like that fit chick’s photoshoot photo


you obsessing over being your leanest 24/7


you shifting your mindset to HEALTH, GETTING STRONGER, building muscle & THRIVING in life (which ironically will have you build a body you love for life too_

The best thing you can do for your health fitness and longevity is to build muscles not only the muscle itself but the whole process of building muscle and the mindset you gain

That all takes a lot more energy than salads, juices and shakes

“But I’m scared to gain weight… What will I look like, how will my clothes fit?…What will so and so say or think”

I asked myself the same.. especially knowing I had compliments on my progress…

Little did I know then, what I know NOW…

When I stopped thinking “small” my progress in EVERYTHING – my physique, performance, MY COACHING, education my LIFE.

I got my personality back, CONFIDENCE!!

I almost forgot how obsessed I was with it all and just how LOW my life was trying to get by on 1600 calories trying to “get lean enough to get to a place my metabolism was good enough to eat a lot and built muscle”

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