Every girl wants big glutes, but no one wants to eat in the surplus (for long enough) to grow them😤   It’s a DAMN FACTBecause I am (was) one of those girls

BUT that is not to say I don’t get uncomfy… I have my days

Eating more calories can be uncomfortable,
But you can’t train a body with no extra resources
And expect it to grow…”extras”🌱  

Building muscle is an expensive process for the body
MAINTAINING muscle itself is expensive
If you don’t use it or feed it ENOUGH, you lose it…

Yet we are still SO focused on shrinking ourselves to lean
We miss THIS part

Why would it want to grow more METABOLIC tissue
That NEEEDS more fuel…
If it doesn’t have MORE of said fuel

And knowing the rate of growth takes time,
And you cant FORCE train or FORCE feed it

You need:

  1. A PROPER proven plan there (get a coach and do the things)
  2. to follow said plan for LONG enough

If you are doing it in maintenance, expect progress to be slower, much slower
2x or 3x the timeline there

BUT not everyone is suited for that slight surplus (mentally or physically)

WHY YOU ARENT getting the results you think you should?
3 MAIN reasons

  1. The need to keep their diet ‘clean’ and default to low-calorie food sources for fear or “gaining fat”
    Or undershooting their macros to play it safe
  2. Doing the things for a while… but then wanting to jump into a fatloss phase because you are getting to uncomfortable
    The greatest life skill you will ever learn is the art of embracing discomfort
  3. Not treating your “non fatloss phases” as seriously as your fatloss ones. (the effort in your training & nutrition, the routine around your lifestyle)

👉 ask for help along the way Work with a coach🤓 Everyone is happy to invest in getting shredded or anything thing else more “instant”… but no one wants to pay for when the real work is done!

👉 commit to at least 12 months of PUSHING yourself in training. Building. Stop changing your goals every few weeks!
👉 STOP FIXATING ON THE SCALES🙅🏻‍♀️ Seriously stop it.
I’ve gained 15-20kg since I first started lifting
It’s the worst measure of progress long term
I have clients who’ve gained 3-6kg and look VISIBLY LEANER
& probably squat more than their boyfriends

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