The tone, the strength, looking like you lift?

You need to give your body the OPTIMAL ENVIRONMENT to transform
Here are 7 things you need to know

4 and #7 are the BIGGEST bottlenecks I see

[1] LIFT with intent and intensity!

[2] your nutrition & lifestyle play a HUGE role in this!

[3] YOU CAN SEE BODY RECOMPOSITION at maintenance calories!
If you are patient enough to stay the course…

[4] HOWEVER, none of that can happen without the RIGHT TRAINING STRATEGY in place
CHALLENGE your body to lift heavier!
To get stronger!
(form & technique first)

[5] HAVE A STRUCTURED PROGRAM that doesnt change every few weeks!
Prioritizing compound lifts (big movements) hack squat & squats, lunges, pullups/pulldowns, rows etc..

[6] Respect your recovery & rest days!

[7] But most of all
STOP RUNNING BACK TO A DEFICIT the moment you feel uncomfortable or fluffy…

The more you repeat ^ that cycle, youll find yourself spinning your wheels in NO MANS LAND
Because youre not consistently eating with the INTENT to support HIGH QUALITY TRAINING
And youre more focused on shrinking than you are on optimizing performance…

Meaning… The worse you will look over time

Fast forward 6 months you’ve made no progress, feel like shit
and you’re wondering why other women can thrive
with more food flexibility, enjoy their carbs, not have things stick to them

how they have more power over their results

strong #jacked #lean

the game changing part?

➡️the biggest issue is when you go 100% into fatloss?
you want the results & you see them fast…
but you DON’T exit the fat loss mentality

➡️The struggle is that you don’t see big changes when you’re building\
You cant force feed muscle growth.

You CAN train hard.
You CAN focus on the right shit in the gym.
You CAN eat enough, eat carbs, get strong.

But MUSCLE TAKES SO much longer to build!!
Especially when the goal is to minimize the fat you do gain in the process too

Learning PERFORMANCE NUTRITION and not just fat loss dieting is HOW you create a physique you are proud of & feel confident in

LIFTING to make you STRONGER & MORE BADASS is the name of the game!
Heres a mindset shift for you

Way too often, women want the results they see, without getting realistic about what it takes
➡️youre muddled & confused with what fitfluencers post
➡️youre scared to eat enough and stop perpetual dieting
➡️not realising FATLOSS isn’t the goal but a PART of the journey (the smallest part of “toning up)

When you attach yourself to outcomes and numbers, its easy to get emotionally attached to ewhat you know/is familiar
& to the dopamine of getting leaner.

Social media can make it so hard for you to do what you need to do to get to your desired results
But you CANNOT deficit your way to lean

And NO muscle will not make you bulky
But there is a PROCESS IN BETWEEN where you will have to get uncomfortable pushing a different path to get to the end of the rainbow on the other side – the pot of gold.

INSTEAD of adding more workouts, junk volume, WODS, finishers…
Remember that LIFTING IS NOT TO BURN CALORIES or “lean us up” in the way we perceive.

It LEANS US UP by building MUSCLE. By getting STRONG.
By getting comfy at maintenance for at least 12+ months
And INTENTIONALLY is the key word

If you still have one food out the door,
Youre eating is sporadic
Your training ISNT focused…

Your body WONT CHANGE and youll continue to feel frustrated
Because You’re STILL in the same MINDSET
You were all the times you didn’t
get the results you want

GET RID of the timeline.
Get rid of the dates you set yourself.

Get a coach for support…
Comment COMMIT if youre ready to do this the right way this time and would like some help

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